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I will guide you to the intersection of travel, technology, and transformation.
The WanderLearn podcast will compel you to go beyond your comfort zone.
I wander all over the world and I share what I learn with you! In so doing, I hope you'll be inspired to do the same. Travel is the best university.
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I welcome comments and questions for each episode, which are listed below, from the most recent to the first one. I promise to answer any question from one of my Patrons. That's just one way to get rewarded for supporting the show!
Rejoice Tapon describes her exploration of the four most popular military branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
She dreams of being a nurse in the 2020s.
Therefore, she was mainly interested in the medical field.
Still, this video will be helpful for those who are interested in non-medical careers.
You'll learn:
The video/podcast cuts abruptly, so Francis inserts an addendum to share information about when Rejoice will ship to boot camp, how long her training is, and what she may be doing for the next 5 years.
Admittedly, in this video/podcast, we don't consider the Coast Guard (Rejoice dislikes swimming) and Space Force (it lacks medical jobs). If you request, I can do a video on those branches later.
Elly Roupcheva's family is from Turkincha, Bulgaria. In this podcast, we reminisce on the unexpected way we met there.
You can see the photos from our first meeting in my article about Turkincha.
After some initial laughs, we dive into the real meat of the conversation: how has Bulgaria evolved in the last 10 years?
In The Hidden Europe, I quoted Elly extensively in the chapter about Bulgaria.
As I am revising the book for the 10th-anniversary edition, I wanted to see what has changed.
What did she say back then that she would no longer say today?
If you want to learn more about Bulgaria or Eastern Europe, you must listen to or watch this podcast!
Is Hungary becoming a dictatorship? How is Eastern Europe evolving?
How did Viktor Orbán, Hungary's leader, come to power? Is he popular and loved?
Alex Kuli is a "recovering journalist" in Hungary.
We went to Amherst College together. He's been living in Hungary for a few decades, reporting on the state of affairs.
I quoted him extensively in The Hidden Europe.
With the 10th anniversary coming up and the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon, we talked for one hour about how things are going in Eastern Europe, especially in Hungary.
If you want to know more about Hungary, especially its political situation, you must listen to this podcast.
What makes it interesting is that he puts Hungary in context with the rest of Eastern Europe.
Dec 31, 2021 Update: Look for the blue boxes to see how my predictions did!
Everyone loves to say, "I told you so."
But few are willing to admit, "I told you something wrong."
Even though every human makes mistakes every day, it's surprisingly hard to find humans who regularly say, "I was wrong."
I make annual predictions not to say, "I told you so," but rather to teach myself some humility.
I predict events so I can publicly humiliate myself.
It's my way of telling the world, "Look how spectacularly wrong I was. I am an idiot."
I recommend that everyone write down annual predictions for this reason.
It's a way to keep your ego in check.
Of course, you'll probably get a few things right, but the point is that you get to say those magic words: "I was wrong."
See how I did on my 2020 predictions.
For this Xmas, here's a special present - a podcast like no other!
Sym Blanchard's first podcast with me in #3 in my all-time downloaded podcasts.
My second one with him was also super popular.
To make his third podcast even more interesting, Sym is joined by his girlfriend, Patty Montgomery. Together, they share:
Nick Jankel has written several books, including Spiritual Atheism.
We discuss his book and other topics.
Nick Jankel helps you take the pain out of transformation. He helps you blast through the barriers that block creativity and innovation and unleash conscious changes in leadership and life that bring less suffering and more thriving into the spaces we touch.
Either listen to the podcast or watch it on YouTube.
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