I’ve never highlighted a book as much as They’re Not Gaslighting You: Ditch the Therapy Speak and Stop Hunting for Red Flags in Every Relationship.
It's my favorite book in 2025!
Author Dr. Isabelle Morley gives us
...Charles Veley is often referred to as one of the world's most traveled people, but whether he is definitively the most traveled depends on the criteria used.
I've met Charles Veley four times, and for the fourth time, we recorded our conversation! Enjoy three episodes with Charles
...Matthew Weinzierl and Brendan Rosseau are the authors of Space to Grow: Unlocking the Final Economic Frontier.
The new book explains the business side of space. I interview both authors on this
...In 3 WanderLearn episodes, Alex Hutchinson and I discuss his new book, The Explorer's Gene.
The Explorer's Geneexamines
...Nomadic Matt is a pioneering travel blogger. One day, we'll call him the grandfather of travel blogging during the Golden Era of travel blogs.
He's not known for his travel feats but rather for the extensive tips he's provided
...Many words and expressions irritate me when people misuse them.
My original post (scroll down to find it) began with a dozen problematic words and phrases. I've added many more!
In this three-part series, Dr. Robert Edwards and I discuss the fascinating mystery of DB Cooper. In 1971, a man hijacked Flight 305, received $200,000 in $20 bills, 4 parachutes, and skydived into the darkness over the Pacific Northwest, never to be seen again.
Subscribe to my
...Vegans have a marketing problem: they're perceived to be annoying, self-righteous, judgmental, and inflexible.
Author Matthew Halteman's book Hungry Beautiful Animals is designed to fix that perception and make