This is first Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode! I answer three questions.

I always answer any question that one of my Patrons ask me. You can become a patron for just $1 per month and get to bombard me with questions! I love it!

Tamy asks

1. Over-tourism - What's your take on how to be a good tourist and how can we, as travelers, repair the schism between locals and tourists?

2. Conversely, where are some places that could use a dose of tourism to help boost their economy?

Dalia Asks

Hay Francis!
Love your posts and news.
I am actually thinking of starting my blog in Arabic as I’ve been traveling a lot lately.
Any advice?

I answer her on the episode, but this is what I wrote to her:

"Hi Dalia!
My best advice: do it because you LOVE/WANT to do it and that you are happy if NOBODY reads it.
Some people start blogs and hope to quickly capture a big audience.
They underestimate how hard it is to do.
They quickly quit.
So only do it if you just love to write/blog.
Think of it as a public diary."

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