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I will guide you to the intersection of travel, technology, and transformation.
The WanderLearn podcast will compel you to go beyond your comfort zone.
I wander all over the world and I share what I learn with you! In so doing, I hope you'll be inspired to do the same. Travel is the best university.
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I welcome comments and questions for each episode, which are listed below, from the most recent to the first one. I promise to answer any question from one of my Patrons. That's just one way to get rewarded for supporting the show!
On the 100th anniversary of George Mallory and Sandy Irvine's death on Mount Everest, I interviewed Dr. Robert Edwards, author of Mallory, Irvine, and Everest: The Last Step But One, which reexamined their mysterious story in extreme detail.
Watch my original interview with Dr. Edwards, my most popular interview in 2024. It provides an excellent background for today's interview.
Today, Dr. Edwards returns to the WanderLearn Show to discuss Jimmy Chin's surprising October 2024 announcement that he found Andrew Comyn Irvine's foot! Andrew Irvine's nickname was Sandy.
In mid-November 2024, hear me speak at the Extraordinary Travel Festival in Bangkok, Thailand!
This page features 6 videos about Thailand to encourage you to meet me and 200+ extraordinary travelers at the ETF Conference!
Here are two episodes featuring Margaret Bensfield Sullivan, author of Following the Sun: Tales (and Fails) From a Year Around the World With Our Kids.
Margaret spent a year traveling to 29 countries on six continents with her husband and their two young kids.
How did she do it?
What did she learn?
What advice does she have for traveling parents with young children?
00:00 World-proof your kids
05:55 Origin of the book title
09:20 Screwups
16:00 Career advice
00:00 Africa
02:50 Is a travel agent necessary?
04:10 Zimbabwe
05:20 Egypt
It's hard to describe Kommu in an elevator. It's a clever mix of Airbnb, TrustedHousesitters, and Couchsurfing.
I spoke with Bo Abrams, the founder and CEO of Kommu.
Why should you pay $300 annually to access this new, exciting app that helps you find lodging and accommodation in a new way?
00:00 Pain point
03:00 Kommu vs. Airbnb
06:30 Practical example of Kommu
11:00 Logistics
15:00 Social capital
22:00 Profit
24:15 How does Kommu make money?
29:12 Recovering your rent
33:00 Verifying rent
It's April 19, 2024: Bitcoin's 4th Halving is happening today! The block reward, doled out every 10 minutes, will drop from 6.25 to 3.125 BTC.
That translates into an inflation rate of only 0.85%, far less than gold or any other currency.
From now until 2140, the inflation rate will slowly decrease to zero.
This explains why Bitcoin has appreciated against inflating currencies over several years —and that it will continue since governments will always recklessly print money.
In this episode, we celebrate the BTC Halving by reviewing Plan B's stock-to-flow (S2F) model, which I first critiqued at the previous halving in 2020. Back then, I predicted that the model would break in 2024 and beyond.
Because the article and video were so viral, I've been reviewing the model's state annually.
This update is extra special because it's the 2024 Halving.
Watch the 9-minute video below to see why I still believe what I said in 2020: that the stock-to-flow model will begin to crack this year.
As I explained in the video, the divergence between the two most recent models and reality is already happening.
Only the original and most conservative S2F model remains viable. But in 2025 and definitely by 2026, you'll see that model will become as useless as the last two S2F models.
Michael Zervos is trying to visit every country faster than anyone else while recounting the happiest moments in people's lives. In this interview series, we talk about his Project Kosmos.
This page features interviews with Michael Zervos about his 1.5-year quest to travel to all the nations in the world faster than anyone else!
Michael Zervos makes well-produced social media content. Visit Michael Zervos's Linktree for all his links.
Michael Zervos explains Project Kosmos and why he's trying to be the fastest person to travel to every country.
Follow him on social media to see if he pulls it off.
Michael Zervos's attempt to set a speed record to travel to every country began with a stumble in Russia.
Michael Zervos shares the countries he worries he may be unable to visit.
He also says what he will do if he runs out of time.
As of April 12, he's 20% done with his quest. He wrote to me, "I am going to be in Zambia the next two nights and then in Malawi with the night bus the next day after from Harare (in theory)."
The podcast above (not the video) details Michael's latest news and other updates.
I interviewed Michael Zervos in Cote d'Ivoire a few months ago. He was 10% done with his every-country-speed tour.
I interviewed him today, June 27, when he's halfway done!
In the second half of the show, Michael Zervos reflects on Africa.
00:00 Intro
03:30 Sudan
07:00 Africa
Michael Zervos of The Project Kosmos is two-thirds through his trip to every country.
He's on track to break the record for visiting all the countries faster than anyone else.
We talked while he was in Lviv, Ukraine in December 2024.
00:00 Intro
05:00 Ukraine War
11:00 USA Election reactions
14:30 Palestine
Follow him on Instagram.
Michael Zervos explains why North Korea is the toughest country to visit.
00:00 Why North Korea is the toughest
05:30 How Zervos makes videos
11:00 What's the upcoming schedule
Follow him on Instagram
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