I've been fortunate to have been interviewed five times on Rick Steves's national station show, which airs on 170 radio stations. Here are links to all the shows:

1. In my first show in August 2012, we talked about The Hidden Europe. You can hear it now as a podcast. My interview with him starts at minute 14. Download the MP3 now! Rick called The Hidden Europe "an invigorating narrative packed with useful tips and colorful stories. . . . It's an entertaining summary of [Eastern Europe]."

2. In February 2013, right before I left to visit all 54 African countries, Rick Steves interviewed me about The Unseen Africa right before I left for my 5-year trip. 

3. January 2015, Rick Steves interviews me while I'm in Africa to get an update.

4. In March 2016, when talked about the Bumpy Balkans.

5. In January 2018, Rick Steves and I talked as I was wrapping up my 5-year nonstop overland trip to all 54 African countries.

Rick Steves radio show logo

Rick Steves has been one of my heroes because he's always advocated independent travel and encouraged Americans to fly across an ocean to explore other countries.

Therefore, it was an absolute honor to be on his show.

As Rick himself admitted, he's focused most of his travel life in Western Europe. I was thrilled that he was interested in revealing Europe's hidden side: Eastern Europe as well as Africa.

The Hidden Europe book cover

It's impossible to adequately cover a 750-page book that covers 25 countries in a 25-minute interview. 

Therefore, if you're interested in learning more about Europe's other side, please pick up a copy of my book, The Hidden Europe: What Eastern Europeans Can Teach Us

You can get an autographed copy in my shop. You can also get the hardcover or ebook on Amazon.

I'm also available open to being a guide, delivering speeches, and helping you with personal coaching. See my services.

Lastly, you can give me feedback, connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to my RSS feed or newsletter by going to my contact page.

Thank you for tuning in!

Francis on the radio talking with Rick StevesFrancis sitting in KQED radio studios during Rick Steves interview

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