Discover what the WanderLearn podcast is about!

For those who are too lazy to listen, here are the three themes we'll tackle:

  • Travel
  • Technology
  • Transformation

Francis Tapon is your host in this travel podcast.

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Transcript by YouTube

00:00 I want to give you a little background 00:02 since this is the first episode of what 00:04 this podcast is going to be all about 00:05 travel technology and transformation 00:08 these are the three themes that are 00:10 going to be tackling travel obvious 00:12 because I love to travel and I think you 00:16 probably are interested in travel 00:17 technology I am a geek we're gonna be 00:19 talking about how technology and travel 00:21 merge and talk to each other and how do 00:23 they actually for example new GPS 00:25 anything that has to do with technology 00:27 I like to cover especially if it's 00:29 travel related number three 00:31 transformation my first TED talk was 00:34 TEDx talk was about how travel 00:38 transforms you and when you are stuck in 00:39 a rut travels the best way to kind of 00:42 get yourself out of that rut so why 00:43 should you subscribe to this podcast I 00:45 meet so many interesting people while I 00:46 travel a lot of times I think to myself 00:48 man I wish somebody had been recording 00:50 this conversation I had with this 00:52 awesome guy I met in Zimbabwe and I 00:55 didn't capture that and nobody else is 00:58 gonna know about this conversation well 00:59 this is the way to take some of the most 01:01 interesting characters I meet during my 01:02 travels I've been to about 120 countries 01:04 also as far as the length of the podcast 01:07 you should expect things to be anywhere 01:09 between three minutes and three hours 01:10 really I have no idea how long it's 01:12 gonna take 01:12 most podcasts it depends on what you 01:16 guys say the other thing is that about 01:17 80% the podcast will probably be 01:19 interviews people I'm gonna be 01:21 interviewing 20% will be just me solo 01:23 episodes showing you some of my thoughts 01:25 ideas tips and then why should you 01:28 download the episode well it really is 01:30 important to download episodes not just 01:32 a subscribe to the episodes downloading 01:34 is what a lot of people how they measure 01:36 a podcast success and why should you 01:38 care about make helping make this 01:40 success well when a podcast gets a lot 01:43 of downloads then it attracts better 01:46 guests so if I call it Bill Gates and 01:48 say hey bill would you like to join my 01:50 podcast you say how many subscribers do 01:51 you have how many downloads yeah why I 01:53 get about 10 downloads a month you'd be 01:56 like okay I think I have better forums 01:58 where I can express myself but if you 02:01 get a million downloads per month hey 02:03 now you're talking and also in your 02:05 guests selection kind of improves the 02:07 other thing is that your advertising 02:08 dollars go up and that makes me happy 02:11 because then I don't have to have as 02:12 many 02:13 I'd rather not have five minutes of ads 02:14 they're annoying I'd rather have short 02:17 maybe 15 seconds boom and it pays my 02:20 bills I'm happy so that's another good 02:23 reason to help spread the word and 02:25 download it go to 02:31 as in Francis that's a good way to help 02:35 out the podcast don't have to contribute 02:37 much if anybody doesn't know about 02:39 patreon it's simple it's basically like 02:40 a Kickstarter campaign that happens 02:42 every month so you can give a dollar on 02:44 them produce the show lastly I want to 02:48 leave you with is a teaser of some of 02:50 the upcoming guests that will be on the 02:52 show 02:53 Gary art from everything everywhere 02:55 Chris Christensen from the amateur 02:58 traveler draw pots the guy wrote 03:01 vagabonding Amtrak representative Joe 03:06 McConaughey the guy who set the fastest 03:08 unsupported record on the Appalachian 03:11 Trail he also went to the crest rail an 03:13 amazing hiker Jeff Worley who wrote a 03:17 book about Libya the Sheraton Hotel 03:21 high-end journeys a winding tree which 03:24 is a very cool blockchain travel 03:25 technology company I have them on as 03:28 well random Tanzanians random Africans 03:32 Egyptians Tunisians just to get the word 03:35 on the street of how it's like I live in 03:37 these countries 03:38 Cameroonians broad spectrum of of guests 03:40 and I think that will make it 03:42 interesting for you so stay tuned and 03:44 subscribe spread the word thank you very 03:45 much this friend stop on encouraging you 03:47 do wander and learn

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