Although it's sad to read about your fellow alums dying, it's also motivating. It's especially motivating when a dead alum is younger than you. 

Listen and/or watch episode 5 of the WanderLearn podcast!

This depressing fact can light a fire underneath your butt to live a purposeful and meaningful life.

It's a way to compel you to stop making excuses. 

Meanwhile, this doesn't necessarily mean that you should become busier. 

Instead, it should compel you to use your time more wisely. That means that perhaps you need to become less busy! For some, that means to work less and spend more time with your family and friends.

For others, it might mean to spend less time with their family and friends and more time pursuing that music career they've always wanted to have.

The point is that the death of your fellow alums should spur you to live. 

Transform yourself now.

Listen to the podcast below

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