This was my lunchtime conversation with Rejoice, my wife:

REJOICE: I have an idea. What if all police officers in America had to be black? Then we would never have a situation where a white police officer killed a black man! Simple!

FRANCIS: True, but I'm sure that such a decree would violate anti-discrimination laws that prohibit employers from disqualifying applicants based on their race.

REJOICE: What percentage of police are black now?

FRANCIS: About the same as the overall black population: 13%. 

REJOICE: So it would take time to make the police 100% black.

FRANCIS: True. A more feasible idea would be to have only black police officers patrol predominately black neighborhoods. 

REJOICE: Yeah, that would help, but it doesn't solve the problem completely. With people talking about "abolishing the police," we can now do something radical like make the police force 100% black.

FRANCIS: Sure! I'd be fine with that. However, then we might have a new problem. 

REJOICE: What's that?

FRANCIS: In 2019, 89 police officers were killed in the line of duty. That is much more than the 14 unarmed blacks who were killed by the police that same year.

REJOICE: Oh, I see what you're saying. If we had an all-black police, then we would be increasing the overall number of blacks who are killed.

FRANCIS: Yup. And it would be especially problematic when a white criminal kills a black police officer. Some will argue that the attack was racially motivated. 

REJOICE: Ugh. Yeah, that would create a new problem. But, wait! Perhaps we could solve it with a new hashtag. 

FRANCIS: What's that?

REJOICE: #CopsLivesMatter

Rejoice and Francis Tapon eating in formal clothes

Francis and Rejoice Tapon facing each other

The photo above: Our wedding day, March 10, 2016, in Zambia

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