Today (May 25, 2023) is the third anniversary of George Floyd's horrible death.

As I predicted, the number of unarmed Black (and White) people killed by the police would remain unchanged despite all the protests and defunding movements. 

I explained what needed to happen for those statistics to improve. (Hint: it's got little to do with racism.)

My wife, Rejoice, is a black African (she's from Cameroon).

However, according to Kerry Connelly, I'm probably a good white racist.

When the George Floyd protests erupted, Good White Racist came out, making it a timely book, so I wanted to read it.

As other critics have mentioned, Connelly's tone is condescending.

I feel like the Spanish Inquisition has strapped me to a chair; no matter what, I am a sinner.

I'll quote the parts that made me want to vomit:

"To readers in the BIPOC [black, indigenous people of color]: Beautiful soul, thank you for reading even this far. . . . You've done enough, borne enough of this weight."

Yuck. It's like a mother patting her little black child on the head as if the child is some fragile creature that must be coddled and pampered.

She falsely asserts: "White people cannot be victims of racism. So-called reverse racism is just not a thing, people."

She's the classic politically correct person obsessed with "micro-aggressions."
Since she's treating us like babies, hasn't she heard about "sticks and stones may break my bones...."?

Grow up.

She talks about "gaslighting." Example: "A white woman might touch a black woman's hair while telling her it's pretty."

According to her rules, "this is inappropriate behavior."

My wife LOVESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS when people complement (or even touch) her hair. She has 20 wigs and finds it hilarious how easy it is to fool white people.

Of course, every person who gave this book one star is doing one or more of the dreaded Ds:

In my case, I commit the DISCLAIM sin because I say I'm not a racist because my wife is a black African.

You're damned either way if your skin is white, which, frankly, is a racist idea.

The author spouts a "truism" from one of her friends, who has some color. She said, "If the white people in the room are happy and comfortable, chances are the people of color in the room are not."

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Of course, I'm sure some POC feel that way, but to imply that it's universal is absurd.
My wife spit out her drink when she heard that line - and laughed so hard.
It's also racist to suggest that POC and whites all think the same way.

Yes, this book is cringeworthy.

I feel guilty about blasting this book because Connelly means well.
She wants to improve this planet and race relations.
She wants white people to be more self-aware of their privilege and sensitive.

These are noble goals.
The problem is her execution is atrocious and offputting.

Racism is terrible. So is this book.

VERDICT: 1 out of 5 stars.

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