Enjoy my comprehensive video review of Coinkite's SEEDPLATE.

It's a 3x5-inch metal plate with prefabricated etching so that you can stamp out your cryptocurrency wallet's 24-word seed phrase.

Having a hardware wallet is a fantastic way to manage your private bitcoin keys and sign transactions.

But what happens if your hardware wallet (or software wallet) breaks or gets lost or stolen?

You can recover it with your 24-word (or sometimes 12-word) seed phrase.

Experts urge you NOT to write those 24 words on ANY electronic device.

Paper can age, burn, or become unreadable if it gets wet in a flood.

What's the solution?

Etching your seed phrase on metal tough enough to survive most disastrous events.

You might want to buy 2-4 SEEDPLATES.


First, if you use a passphrase on your wallet for added security, then you'll need to back up those words just as securely as your 24-word seed phrase (assuming you've associated BTC with that passphrase).

Second, if you're super paranoid, you'll want to stamp out a pair of SEEDPLATES and place them in separate locations in case one place suffers a nuclear attack that pulverizes your SEEDPLATE.

Yeah, that's an extreme measure, but if you're worried about losing your bitcoin or crypto, then this is the ultimate prudent step.

Buy a Coinkite SEEDPLATE

Each SEEDPLATE costs less than $49 if you buy it using my affiliate link.

You can also buy an Automatic Center Punch for $9 at the Coinkite store.

Lastly, are you looking for the BIP-39 word list that I referred to a couple of times in the video? Here you go:


It's the 2,048-word dictionary that you'll need to decode the 4-letter words on a SEEDPLATE.

For example: if your SEEDPLATE's first word is ABAN, then you look it up on the list, and it's ABANDON.

If it's PION, then you look for the only word on the BIP-39 list that starts with those 4 letters. Answer: PIONEER.

No word on the BIP-39 list shares the first 4 characters of another word on the list.

That's why you only need to write the first 4 letters.

More info

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