To post a message or vote on this forum, you need to register. To do that, click on the "Register" link on the upper right hand corner of any page.
After you fill out the simple registration form, my forum will immediately send you an email. Click on the link in the email to confirm that it is really you. If you don't confirm, you can't log in. If you don't get an email within 5 minutes, check in your junk/spam folder of your email and make sure that my email is a "Safe Sender" for any future communications. If you still have problems, email me.
To prevent spam, I will moderate your first couple of posts. This means that your first few posts won't appear until I approve them. This discourages spammers. If you have include a self-serving SEO hyperlink in your first post, you increase the likelihood that I'll reject your post. After you've made a couple of non-spam posts, I will stop moderating your posts and they will appear instantly.
I won't share your information with anyone. I will always respect your privacy because that's what I would want someone to do for me.
Although I will try to answer all questions/comments, anyone can chime in. My answer is not the only or final answer. Usually it's the wrong answer. Also, sometimes I may take a few days/weeks to respond, so please be patient. Just make sure you check the "Notify me when a reply is posted" box, so that you receive an email once someone replies.
The rules of this forum are simple:
- Before posting a question, please SEARCH the board to see if someone else has already asked a similar question.
- Don't mention other websites unless it is highly relevant to the discussion. We will delete posts (and users) that simply promote websites.
- Stay on topic. If you want to digress, create a new topic in the appropriate forum.
- Have fun!