Alex: Congrats on hiking with passion! It's great when people come out of college and don't waste any time loading up on all the "requirements" of life (e.g., job, mortgage, family). Enjoy your freedom while you have it and enjoy it for as long as you can! Once you give it up, it's hard to get back.hi, I was watching your videos and I'm glad to have found someone here that share the exact same mentality and dream as I do. Traveling the world as always been more than a dream to me but a life purpose. I have been seriously planning my journey across the world now for the past two years and I am expecting to start it after I graduate from college, I want to film and write about everything I see and every different culture I encounter.As you have experience is there any important tips and information that you could share with me? I would also like to get my hands on the book you've written, where can I find it? I would love to correspond with you to learn more about your travels. eagerly awaiting a response.
My advice on how to document your world travels is simple: be remarkable. In other words, be original, different, and unique. You're not the first to travel around the world, so make sure you capture it in a unique way. Perhaps have a theme, like documenting the state of women in different countries or capturing how dogs/cats live or wear the same silly hat wherever you go.
My quest is simple: wander and learn. So I travel and document what different cultures and countries can teach me. Hence, my book series is called "WanderLearn."
Make up your own angle, one that you're passionate about, and go for it! Enjoy!
Lastly, you can find my book on my shop.

Thanks for your interest!