Did you make it??
Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:15 pm
When we met you out in the middle of no where. You were on your way to East Glacier Montana. Did you make it to Waterton Park? You were the topic of our ride back to Oregon. My boys and I thought you were a little nuts to be out in the middle of no where, with a backpack and thats it. We got home and visited your site. We had no idea who we met!! My Boys are so excited we check your space often now. We really did meet a nice man on a mission. Best of Adventures to you. Great getting to chat with you. Are the fires by Heart Butte Montana going to affect your travels? Or did you make it back through there before the fire got so bad. I been reading greatfallstribune.com and the fire has growen so big. How many bears did you see? We seen 5 alone close together in Many Glacier the night before we crossed paths. Three was a mama bear and 2 cubs. Take care
Kimmy, Beeper, Carlos, and Leo Gonzalez
Kimmy, Beeper, Carlos, and Leo Gonzalez