Forum Interview and Sierra Leone

Francis Tapon is visiting all 54 African countries from 2013-2017. Discuss his journey, the upcoming book, TV series, and documentary here.
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Forum Interview and Sierra Leone

Post by FrancisTapon » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:07 pm

Francis, I just want to know how I did not know about you before! I am so excited to find your web site and your books. I listen to Forum faithfully and loved your interview. Congratulations! I LOVE your idea of visiting every country in Africa. I lived for two years in Sierra Leone (Peace Corps) then spent time in Guinea, Liberia, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Kenya, all hitching and backpacking with a single day pack for a year. Brief and sometimes scary forays into the Congo and Uganda. Best year of my life. I have great contacts still in Sierra Leone so let me know if you would like intros, or would like to know how to say hello and thank you in the lingua franca and three of the 13 tribal languages there. All the best, Christine
Christine, I'm glad you liked the KQED Forum interview. For years I was a faithful listener too!

I'd love to have intros. It helps whenever you travel. I won't be in Sierra Leone until 2014 - at the earliest, but it doesn't hurt to have them now. :)

Thank you!
- Francis Tapon

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