A detailed back-packing list? (mixed city/hiking)
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:55 am
Hi Francis!
Hey, I was just wondering about the gear you took/take for your extended trips to Europe...
Because I saw that you mostly travel to "civilized" places (I don't exactly know the term.... but I just mean that you mostly stay in places where civilization is present, so camping is not a necessity...)
But I noticed that sometimes, you go for overnight hiking trips as well... (I just remember about your funny hike in the high tatras)
So how do you proceed?
Do you carry camping gears all the time?
Do you leave it sometimes at some certain places?
... and actually, what do you carry?
a sleeping bag, a matress, a tarp for camping situation?
some spare clothes for city situations?
Because I'm being mad by the fact that I'm carrying more than I should in each of these situation...
So I wanted to hear your point of view.
Hey, I was just wondering about the gear you took/take for your extended trips to Europe...
Because I saw that you mostly travel to "civilized" places (I don't exactly know the term.... but I just mean that you mostly stay in places where civilization is present, so camping is not a necessity...)
But I noticed that sometimes, you go for overnight hiking trips as well... (I just remember about your funny hike in the high tatras)
So how do you proceed?
Do you carry camping gears all the time?
Do you leave it sometimes at some certain places?
... and actually, what do you carry?
a sleeping bag, a matress, a tarp for camping situation?
some spare clothes for city situations?
Because I'm being mad by the fact that I'm carrying more than I should in each of these situation...
So I wanted to hear your point of view.