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Golite Stride shorts
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:23 pm
by havoc
Speaking of did you like the Golite Stride shorts? Did they perform as expected, decrease or eliminate chaffing, wick well, and last? I am about to order some and I noticed them on your gear list and was just curious about your likes and dislikes, if any. Thanks again Francis,
GoLite Stride Shorts Review
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:40 pm
by FrancisTapon
Robert: I really like the GoLite Stride shorts and I recommend them for the reasons you mentioned.
They lasted 6,000 miles and I suspect they could go another 6,000. There's hardly any wear and tear on them, especially considering that they were my only underwear for 7 months!
For those who are curious, I would hand wash them in town in a sink, wring them out, then put them back on (after cleaning myself). They would be slightly wet when I put them on, but within a few minutes they dry.
Sometimes wash them in town and then wash my GoLite Whim Wind Pants, which dry a faster than the shorts. I put on the pants and leave my shorts slung over my backpack to dry.
Although I have chafed with other clothes, it's rare. I never chafed with the GoLite Stride.
The only negative is that they are not fashionable for men to wear. Fortunately, GQ magazine photographers aren't hanging out by the trailheads.
Golite Stride shorts
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:55 pm
by havoc
Not fashionable for men to wear??? I thought that is what the extra pair of socks was for!!!