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How safe is the Appalachian Trail? What about the CDT / PCT?
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:03 am
by FrancisTapon
My boyfriend just decided that he can't make the trip and we are supposed to be leaving in two months! My parents say that it is not safe for me to go alone even though I have tried telling them I could meet up with new people once there or even bring my dog. What do you think about the safety of the AT?
The Appalachian Trail is one of the safest places in America. If your parents would let you travel alone to Washington, DC and NYC, then they should let you go alone on the AT.
The AT has so many thru-hikers that you have to TRY to hike alone. It's almost impossible not to make friends and find compatible hiking partners, especially if you're interested in finding them.
You can bring your dog, but on some parts of the AT it's illegal (like the Smokies). So a human companion might be better.
The Pacific Crest Trail and Continental Divide Trails are also extremely safe. Their main dangers are when there's snow on the ground: it's cold, you can slip, get lost, etc... The AT has far less snow risk.
Tell your parents not to worry and have fun!
Re: How safe is the Appalachian Trail? What about the CDT /
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:19 am
by sunshine_saltyair
Hi! I see that no one has commented on this post- your argument is pretty persuasive!
However, I am planning on hiking the PCT with my close friend in 2014, and my parents aren't too happy about it. Their concerns aren't without reason though- I am going to be 18 when I hike it (as will my friend) and we are both girls. I am trying to do anything possible to qualm my parents' fears and also set my own mind at ease. I am doing plenty to ensure we have the proper gear and tools to avoid physical injury as a result of dehydration, hunger, hypothermia, heat stroke, etc, etc. I'm still somewhat worried about the risks posed by us being two teenaged girls, though. Do you think it would be worth it to take self-defense classes, and would those even help? I don't want it to seem like I am accusing any thru-hikers of anything, but it is still a concern of mine. As someone who has never hiked a long trail before, and has had little contact with the hiking community as a whole, I hope you will be able to help me.
Thanks so much,
Re: How safe is the Appalachian Trail? What about the CDT /
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:59 pm
by FrancisTapon
Don't bother with self-defense classes, unless they make you feel more confident (or appease your parents).
The best thing to do to increase your safety on the PCT is to go northbound. There are about 300 other hikers and you can hike with one or more of them (either gender) to increase the size of your group. The bigger the group, the less likely you'll have problems: bear attacks are unheard of when there are more than 5 adult humans, for example.
Eventually, your confidence will grow and you may break away from the group and just hike as a pair. Plenty of solo female travelers do it. A pair is strong.
Let me know how it goes! Enjoy!
Re: How safe is the Appalachian Trail? What about the CDT /
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:25 am
by sunshine_saltyair
We have decided to hike Southbound because we do not graduate until mid-June. However, I feel safer knowing that we are together and that incidents aren't that common on the PCT.
Re: How safe is the Appalachian Trail? What about the CDT /
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:43 am
by FrancisTapon
How did the Sobo trip go? What did you learn?