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Comments about the beginning of the chapter on Greece

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:45 pm
by FrancisTapon
I read your article about Greece, and here is my reaction:
-i don't agree that greeks are pissed off when you call them eastern europe.I have never heard them say that gr is West.
-They built their monasteries on Meteora bcs they didn't want the enemies to approach them easily.they served like sanctuaries.
-how can u say that the northen europe had losers?
-turks stayed in gr for over 600yrs.Gr got finally liberated in the 20th century.Greeks think that some parts of gr are still being occupied by Turks-Cyprus!
-the geopolitical position of gr has made it important and not the beaches!to build a EU without gr is the same as to build a house without doors and windows.that is why gr is both priviledged & cursed.Immediately after the wwII,GR was involved in another war on its own territory and between its own nation.thousends were extradicted from the country,and even today their children have no right to claim their own land and property.their names were deleted from any gr records of the time.So it was not just lobbying but much more than that made gr what it is now-a western eu country.
That would be it for now,though u understand that the story is much much deeper than i wrote now.i haven't written about the way they got liberated from turks,the western betrayal,the way gr got its todays border,the minor asia exodus and so on..
Thank u for ur time spent on reading my commentary,and i hope i help at least a little!
Take care &hope we'll drink another coffee sometime soon in niš.
P.s.Sorry for grammar &typing mistakes-i'm writing from my phone.
- I agree that not all Greeks will get pissed off if you say they are in Eastern Europe - only a minority will get pissed off.
- When I refer to the Northern Europeans as "losers" 2,000 years ago and that Southern Europeans were the cool ones, it's mostly a joke. They're not really losers, but the point is that the more powerful people, the "cool ones", were living in Southern Europe at the time.
- I'm joking about the beaches. You have to read my book (and articles) with a sense of humor.

I agree with everything else you wrote.