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Golite Stride shorts

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:23 pm
by havoc
Speaking of did you like the Golite Stride shorts? Did they perform as expected, decrease or eliminate chaffing, wick well, and last? I am about to order some and I noticed them on your gear list and was just curious about your likes and dislikes, if any. Thanks again Francis,

GoLite Stride Shorts Review

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:40 pm
by FrancisTapon
Robert: I really like the GoLite Stride shorts and I recommend them for the reasons you mentioned.

They lasted 6,000 miles and I suspect they could go another 6,000. There's hardly any wear and tear on them, especially considering that they were my only underwear for 7 months! :oops:

For those who are curious, I would hand wash them in town in a sink, wring them out, then put them back on (after cleaning myself). They would be slightly wet when I put them on, but within a few minutes they dry.

Sometimes wash them in town and then wash my GoLite Whim Wind Pants, which dry a faster than the shorts. I put on the pants and leave my shorts slung over my backpack to dry. ;)

Although I have chafed with other clothes, it's rare. I never chafed with the GoLite Stride.

The only negative is that they are not fashionable for men to wear. Fortunately, GQ magazine photographers aren't hanging out by the trailheads. :-D

Golite Stride shorts

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:55 pm
by havoc
Not fashionable for men to wear??? I thought that is what the extra pair of socks was for!!! :D