One easy way to motivate people to go to a business meeting is to hold it in an exotic location. Here's a short guest post by Catherine Lavinia.

Sometimes it may be better to take a business meeting outside the office. This can be held at a conference room at an alternative location if meeting with many people or at a coffee shop down the road if you're meeting with one other individual.

As always, there are a few things you should keep in mind when organizing such a meeting, and here are some of them:


The most important decision to make when looking for an alternative location is the room's suitability.

  • Will it fit all those attending meetings comfortably?
  • Is it a convenient meeting place to travel to most of those meetings?
  • If you plan to spread the meeting over two days, will attendees need accommodation for the night?

Some of their hotels even offer on-site meeting facilities so that you can kill two birds with one stone.


If you have gone to the effort of calling a meeting outside of the office, you must make sure that every attendee feels it is worth leaving their workplace to participate.

The best way of doing this is by drawing up an itinerary that details exactly what will be discussed during the meeting. Your itinerary must be flexible enough to allow others to ask essential questions and control the topics of discussion, but not so much that the conversation drifts away from the purpose.

Being able to tell someone that they're off-topic and may need to save their point for another meeting may be challenging, but it is often necessary.

Inform early

Letting those people that will be attending the meeting know the specifics of when, where, and why you will be meeting as early as possible is also vital. This will give them plenty of time to prepare for the meeting and think about precisely what they want to take from the meeting.

It also means that people will have more opportunities to rearrange their schedules if necessary. On top of this, early planning means that, should you be unfortunate enough to run into any difficulties, you will have plenty of time to seek a solution. This means that your meeting should run smoothly with little or no, disruptions.

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